Our Commitments To You

Guarantee Instant to 5 to 10 Minutes Online Delivery!
EGSPay is committed to deliver all your purchases on Bills Payment, Direct Top Up, Game Credits, Gift Voucher, Network Load or Utilities online within 5 to 10 minutes, if not instant! We want you to be able to enjoy gaming sessions seamlessly rather than waiting for what you have purchased.
Terms & Condition:-
› Applicable to only Bills Payment, Direct Top Up, Game Credits, Gift Voucher, Network Load or Utilities products falls under this commitment.
› EGSPay Terms & Condition, Payment Policy and Privacy Policy Applies.

We Don't Sleep, 24/7 Customer Service
We have our customer service teams running on shifts, in order to make sure that all our worldwide transactions and needs are effectively handled. If there should be any unforeseen issues, you can be assured that you will definitely be attended to.
Your Experience

Product Variety
Here at EGSPay, we have been and will always continue to cater more game related products. Our beliefs are to give our customers a one-stop through continuously expanding our product varieties and availability.

Payment Options & Accessibility
One of the greatest achievement that we have been striving for, are to provide regionally localized payment methods, and till today, we have more than 200 localized payment methods worldwide, to further give our customers an enhanced shopping freedom.

Direct Top Up
To further enhance your ease of use, we have created a unique system where you can now top-up your game directly from purchases within our site through our seamless Direct Top-Up integration.

Check Out And Digital Delivery
To enhance your shopping experience, our site is specifically designed to give you a seamless checkout system and a near instant delivery on digital products. Be assured that we will continually upgrade our services to provide all our customers with the best shopping experience you can find anywhere.

Game Conveniently
We do not believe in gaming downtime. Through our seamless digital online delivery and wide variety of payment methods, you practically do not even need to leave your game station.
Great Bargains For You

Discount And Promotions
If you have checked out with us, we believe you have experienced the massive promotional items throughout the year. This is to make sure that all our customers get to enjoy these special bargains that we strive to obtain for you. Our bargains are designed to stretch your shopping and gaming experiences, through giving you additional values and savings.

Your Savings
If you have made purchases through our sites, you will have experienced our savings structure for every purchase made through our Normal, Verified, Silver, and Gold customer categories. This system is designed to continuously provide savings for our customers and the more you purchase, the more you will save.
Your Safety & Security

How Safe Is Your Information With Us
We at EGSPay treats the information provided to us with the utmost care and you are assured that YOUR INFORMATION IS SAFE AND SECURED. Keeping you and your personal information secure is a priority at EGSPay. We continuously research additional measures that can be implemented to ensure that your registered information is safe.

Secure Sockets Layer Protecting Your Transactions
SSL provides you with sound privacy protection by encrypting the channel of communication between EGSPay and you. Using a mathematical formula, SSL puts the information you exchange into a complex code. Think of it as a kind of armor over the information. Even if intercepted, your data would be extremely difficult to read.

No Hidden Charges
Here at EGSPay, you can be certain that all you need to pay are included in the final amount. Be rest assured that there will be no surprises in your statements. What you see is what you pay.