Sky Direct Reload
Utilities And Services

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Sky Direct Reload E-Pins
Para sa SKYdirect: SKYLOAD <space> <box id> <space> <PIN> (eg., SKYLOAD 12345678 1234567887654321)
Para sa SKYcable Prepaid: SKYLOAD <space> <Smart Card Number> <space> <PIN> (eg., SKYLOAD 12345678909 1234567887654321)
Not yet on SKY Prepaid? Text APPLY<space>NAME to 23662 for SKYcable Prepaid or text SKY to 23668 for SKYdirect Prepaid.
Sky Direct Reload E-Pins
Para sa SKYdirect: SKYLOAD
Para sa SKYcable Prepaid: SKYLOAD
Not yet on SKY Prepaid? Text APPLY